Tuesday, October 13, 2015


How to make a cake for your mom's birthday:
Step 1: find the cake mix in the pantry and realize you have no eggs. 
Step 2: Google cake mix with no eggs. And see you can sub applesauce. 
Step 3: kids eat all the applesauce you just found - Google again. You can use a can of diet soda!
Step 4: no diet soda so find club soda - all is good I am sure.
Step 5: remember mom like chocolate cake so melt a candy bar and and that.
Step 6: make cupcakes with the batter... They seem like a better idea with the current situation
Step 6: decide to make cream cheese frosting - you have cream cheese!
Step 7: find all of the ingredients but realize you need more powdered sugar - Google that... And put sugar in the ninja to make some from regular sugar.
Step 8: use pliers to unscrew the ninja blender top stuck with sugar.
Step 9: add newly made powder sugar and realize it was not done as the frosting is crunchy.
Step 10: try to use a hair dryer to warm the frosting while it whips to make it not crunchy (thanks again Google!)
Step 11: throw away frosting and go to trader joes for new frosting just to realize they do not carry frosting.
Step 12: buy more stuff to make frosting.
Step 13: get home to realize you do not have butter
Step 14: ask your sister to buy frosting...

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